Me quejo del chat, pero la verdad no sé que haría sin él porque para levantar tipos en un boliche soy un queso.
La otra vez salí a bailar con una amiga lesbiana que acababa de cortar con una especie de novia que tuvo y, como yo, ardía en deseos de reventar la noche. Así que nos juntamos a cenar en su casa, tomamos unas cervezas, fernet y decidimos ponernos bien sexys. Yo me basé en el cubreojeras milagroso, el perfume importado que compramos entre 5 locas y una combinación cromática perfecta en mi indumentaria. Mi amiga se contentó con una remera verde, jeans y zapatillas deportivas. Ni siquiera se peinó (pero se lavó los dientes).
Así nos fuimos los dos, del brazo y super contentos (o, más bien, alegres) a bailar y romper corazones.
Dos daikiris más tarde, estábamos bailando en medio de la pista tratando de acercarnos a un grupito de tortas que mi amiga quería ver más de cerca. Yo estaba medio aburrido porque todos los tipos me parecían feos y ya estaba empezando a deprimirme y a pensar que me he vuelto una loca exigente como tantas cuando, de repente, lo ví.
Era la perfección hecha hombre. Al menos para mí. Un morocho de labios carnosos y mirada triste, encima peinado y vestido perfectamente. Y lo que me mató: arito en la oreja. Parecía el chico malo de una novela mexicana y ochentosa. Es decir: mi tipo.
Estaba bailando con dos chicas que parecían de 18 años como mucho y no parecía muy divertido. De golpe, e inevitablemente, me vió. Y, sobre todo, vió cómo le clavaba la mirada. Empezó entonces el jueguito de “te miro/me mirás”, “yo no te miro/vos me mirás”. Estuvimos así como cinco minutos y así me dí cuenta que yo también le interesaba. Sino, me hubiera esquivado la mirada o se hubiera hecho el sota.
La cuestión es que, en ese momento clave, no me atreví a encararlo. Demasiada belleza intimida y me quedé colgado con el jueguito de las miradas, aunque tironeando a mi amiga para tratar de acercarme más a él. Al ratito, se agachó a decir algo en la oreja de una de sus amigas y se fue. Entonces aproveché mi total ausencia de miedo con las mujeres (y mi grado de alcohol en la sangre) y me acerqué a hablar con ellas.
- ¿Adónde se fue el potro de tu amigo?- le dije a una.
- Al baño- me contestó, divertida
- Ah, bueno, entonces lo voy a esperar.
- Jaja, dale- me dijo.
Seguí bailando con mi amiga cerca de ellas y, mientras le explicaba la situación ¿qué pudo pasar? Apareció un pendejo rubio, con bronceado perfecto y unos bíceps de película que exhibía con total obscenidad. Era algo cachetón, pero muy lindo, realmente. Y lo más importante de todo, no dejaba de mirarme. Yo miraba para otro lado y volvía a ver hacia su zona y me seguía mirando. Encima con una media sonrisa que rayaba lo lascivo.
Estaba acompañado por una loca horrenda y barbuda que también me miraba, aunque con respeto. Se vé que ya veía las intenciones de su amigo.
En ese momento, el morocho medio que se me desvaneció. Pero pensé en el arito de nuevo y me dije “Tengo que esperarlo al otro, no puedo ser tan bosta”. Así que seguí bailando tratando de ignorar al rubio, cosa imposible, ya que se me iban los ojos, pero al menos no respondí sus sonrisas.
El rubio empezó a acercarse cada vez más hasta que quedó prácticamente al lado mío. El bailaba sin parar con su amigo pero sin dejar de mirarme y buscar mis ojos. Ya se ponía tensa la situación cuando volvió el galán mexicano. Al pasar junto a mí para llegar a sus amigas, me poseyó alguna cosa loca y le dije: “Sos el chico más lindo del boliche”. Ahí nomás sonrió y, con mucho afeminamiento me dijo “Gracias, pero estoy esperando a mi novio que ya llega”.
“Ahhhh, bueno”- le dije- “disculpá entonces”. Y me dí vuelta y seguí bailando con mi amiga.
Por supuesto el rubio vió todo y antes que yo me diera vuelta ya se había alejado como dos metros de mí. Empecé a pensar cómo hacer para acercarme a él de nuevo pero me sentí tan pavo que le dije a mi amiga que saliéramos.
Dimos una vuelta un rato y después subimos al primer piso. Desde ahí lo ví al rubio bailando con dos tipos más. Uno le manoseaba los pectorales y él se dejaba como si nada. Pero no parecía muy contento.
Al rato ví que se alejó con su amigo y se fue a la otra punta de la pista. Mientras mi amiga se babeaba con una travesti que apoyaba los codos en la barra para exhibir mejor la cola, yo pensaba en si debía o no debía acercarme al rubio de nuevo. En eso, a unos metros de donde estaba yo, lo veo al morocho con sus amigas mirándome. Apenas vió que lo ví miró para otro lado y sonrió. Era obvio que lo del novio era un cuento pero yo no entendía porqué ese jueguito de miradas si después se iba a hacer el boludo. Me negaba a creer que fuera histeriqueo puro, pero no había otra explicación.
Por otro lado, no dejaba de pensar “si lo hubiera hablado apenas empezamos a mirarnos seguro se me entregaba”. Es decir, concluí que fue todo culpa mía por no avanzar en el momento adecuado.
Más tarde, bajando las escaleras, lo ví al rubio enterrando la lengua en la boca de un pelado y ahí supe que me había quedado sin el pan y sin la torta. Lo peor es que el rubio me vió mientras yo lo miraba besándose con el otro y me juego la vida que tuvo un orgasmo al ver mi cara de arrepentido.
Ojalá yo hubiera encontrado algún otro potro para tranzarlo delante del morocho, pero ya se acababa la noche y sólo quedaba la resaca.
Mi amiga, en cambio, se tranzó a la mitad de las tortas del lugar y se fue a su casa con una petisa tetona (que, según ella, son las mejores). Quizás el secreto es usar jeans y zapatillas deportivas. Y no peinarse. Pero, a esta altura de mi vida, no me considero capaz de salir a bailar así.
Habrá que seguir chateando.
Qué lástima, Rubio! El del arito me pareció un super boludo!
ResponderEliminarOtra noche será.
La verdad es que últimamente hay más gente en el chat que en el boliche.
ResponderEliminarPero que no baje el ánimo que siempre hay desquite y las pequeñas venganzas también alimentan nuestro espíritu inquieto.
hahaha para! voy a empezar a dejar los tacos y usar zapatillas...
ResponderEliminarpero bueno leccion de vida? hay qeu atacar de una quizas... nada de dar vueltas...
besos blondo!!!
Creeme, tu amiga debe tener otros atributos... definitivamente no insistas en las zapatillas. Besos
ResponderEliminarQué poesía en la frase: "...ya se acababa la noche y sólo quedaba la resaca."
ResponderEliminarMe reí mucho con el post!!!
POr dios como odio el histeriqueo, me enferma. En mi mundo solo existe un solo histérico, yo, que soy moderado, y si histeriqueo es para decir solo y solo no, nunca para dar la más minima oportunidad. Y conmigo no pueden, cuando me lo hacen no solo me hago el re dificil, directamente te corto el rostro. Alguien dijo por ahi que desistas de las zapatillas... de una man, eso es de chongo chongo, o de torta que la tiene clara.
ResponderEliminarJajajaja... me sentí muy vos por lo de fijarte en detalles y por lo de ser más del chat que del boliche. Eso sí, las zapatillas (no digo en boliches porque no concurro) es imperdonable: son lo más cómodo del mundo. Después de andar descalzo por la vida, claro.
ResponderEliminarUn beso :)
Como diría Peña, hay que pensar menos y escuchar más a la panza ;)
ResponderEliminarRubio, querido... estamos completamente de acuerdo, hay que seguir chateando.
ResponderEliminarUn abrazote.
Me había quedado el análisis más profundo.
ResponderEliminarNo te van ni las zapa ni el despeinado.
Porque aunque te quédes sólo no es tu onda, porque no es tu onda transar con cualquiera toda la noche para llevar algo al final.
Así como hay vagos para casi cualquier empresa (yo) también debe hacer quienes sean más selectivos (vos) porque aunque esta vez te quedaste solo, no siempre a los de zapa y despeinado nos va bien.
jajaj, bueno, pues a seguir buscando, que seguro que aparece rapido, jejej
ResponderEliminarUn beso cielo
Jaja que boludo
ResponderEliminareso no se hace rubio
tuviste tu merecido
hay que agarrar viaje rapido
sino despues pasan
esas cosas
Cuando se tiene con que elegir no hay por qué conformarse con lo primero que aparece
ResponderEliminarDeberias haberte tranzado al rubio antes que volviera el morocho. Le decías que te esperara afuera y mientras tanto te lo comías al otro.
ResponderEliminarDespués decidías.
En el boliche no sirve ser tímido.
No entiendo ¿porque no podes ir a bailar asi?
ResponderEliminarbuen blog. Buena manera de narrar
ResponderEliminarEs un asco la histeria de los tipos, porque no pueden dejarse de joder y coger de una?! siempre mirarse mirarse y despues nada
ResponderEliminarme revienta
No sé mucho de levantes en boliches. Generalmente miro heteros, cuando me doy cuenta que un tipo es gay pierdo el interés, por muy lindo que esté.
ResponderEliminarQué lástima que no te dio bola el morocho. El se lo pierde.
Rubio, segui saliendo a bailar, o por las calles! haceme caso, pensalo de esta forma, vos mismo lo dijiste "quizas no lo encaré en el momento justo", eso puede ser porque tanto chat, redujo tu percepción in situ! sali a las calles rubio!!! no hay nada mejor que el cara a cara!
ResponderEliminarUn abrazo y muy buen relato como siempre.
Buenísimo, como siempre ... Definitivamente, ¡aguanten las zapas con jeans! Aunque eso no es garantía de nada. Y por ahí el día lo hacés no funciona y ves que necesitarías un toque extra de producción.
ResponderEliminarOpino que el tiempo pasa y todo sigue igual en la noche gay. Viví muchas y frustrantes noches de boliche, hasta que un día, relajado, descubrí que los levantes no necesariamente pasaban por un boliche y hablo de tiempos alejados del chat!!!
ResponderEliminarRecomiendo un gim muy concurrido y unos shorts ajustado!
Opino que el tiempo pasa y todo sigue igual en la noche gay. Viví muchas y frustrantes noches de boliche, hasta que un día, relajado, descubrí que los levantes no necesariamente pasaban por un boliche y hablo de tiempos alejados del chat!!!
ResponderEliminarRecomiendo un gim muy concurrido y unos shorts ajustado!
Siempre me divierto con las cosas que escribis, le doy la razón a Ivan, los boliches no sirven para ser tímido jajaja
ResponderEliminarTe sigo leyendo,
Todavia soy virgen en experiencia bolichera... pero creo q me adhiero a lo que dice ME LLAMO IVAN... era lo mas logico... aunque esperar logica en el ambiente gay... francamente... jeeeeeeee... besos Rubio...!!!
ResponderEliminar¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO RUBIO!!!!!
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If you’re like me when you first saw the term “arbitrage sports betting” you just said, “huh?” You may even be reading this article because you were wondering. It is a relatively little method that can actually allow you to make money no matter who wins or loses. Kind of like heads I win, tails I win!
ResponderEliminarThe Parlay System is one of the most famous of betting systems that are commonly used in horse racing. Many have said that contrary to other sports betting systems, the Parlay System has a pyramiding effect on your profit which means your winnings are played on successive wagers.
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Switching a service located outside of the United States it not hard to do. In fact it is quite easy since there are many quality services to choose from. The most difficult thing that you will need to do is find the one that best suits your needs.
And finally, in the first article in this series I mentioned being honest with yourself, because one of the biggest lies I have found that a tremendous number of Bettors are guilty of is denying to themselves how many times their Base Bank has been busted! If you too are guilty of this, please remember that until you face up to the truth with the determination to do something about it, you can't expect to turn the situation round in your favour.
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So long
Buenas noches
ResponderEliminarIt is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!
Everything about horse betting
ResponderEliminarSuccessful horse race wagering takes a degree of skill and research. Unlike most sporting match ups where you have a fifty-fifty chance of winning by random choice, with an average field of 8 horses, the horse player only has a 12.5% chance of winning by chance. Let's put fun into the sport for the casual fan. A two horse match up takes wagering on horse racing back to its earliest and simplest form; "I bet my horse can beat yours!" But there's no need to stop there, horse racing offers a myriad of options for wagering; which horse will be in the lead at each point of call, which jockey or trainer will have the most wins for the day, and how about betting a horse to lose. These are just a few options that come to mind.
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There are however many controversies surrounding the horse industry. During races, some jockeys use a crop to hit the horse in the rump to direct their effort and possibly run faster. Based on the most detailed statistical study of whipping ever carried out, it is actually counterproductive and slows the horse down causing them to become distracted and dangerously go off course.
What makes this event so difficult to win? Several factors have to be considered. First there's the age of the horses. Triple Crown races are limited to 3 year olds, juveniles, all of whom officially have their birthday on January 1st of each year. By the first Saturday in May (the running of the Kentucky Derby), though most of the contestants will have actually reached their third birthday, they won't realize their full growth and potential until their fourth or fifth years.
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Brother Derek with Alex Solis up finished in a dead heat for fourth in the Derby, 9 1/2 lengths back after being steadied twice. With a career record of 6 wins out of 9 starts (3 out of 4 this year) Brother Derek had 4 straight wins before the Derby.
One of the factors that can influence the outcome of your program is that many bookmakers set maximum stake limits which can keep you from placing your full wager, so make sure that there in no max limit with any of the bookies that you are dealing with.
ResponderEliminarFollowing the philosophy of pyramiding, what happens in this system is that you place a bet and if you come out a winner you re-invest the winnings on the next wager. So in horse racing, for example, you simply let it ride. Also, unlike the other betting systems, the Parlay System offers a lower amount of risk of all bettors for because they only need be concerned with a win, place or show selection or a combination thereof.
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For quite some time the United States House of Representatives has been trying to pass a bill that will make it much more difficult for people to get away with breaking the online gambling laws. Not to mention stricter penalties for those who are caught.
The most commonly occurring reason I have found for people consistently losing money at sports betting is that they have no "game plan". The most essential elements of a good game plan for betting purposes are a valid, proven Selection System and a proper Staking Plan. The Staking Plan alone won't cut it; first and foremost you must employ a worthwhile Selection System.
That brings me on to the point of all this. Who among the many United strikers of the past have been the best? For what they are worth, here are my thoughts on the top 5 strikers in the years prior to Alex Ferguson's reign at Manchester Utd. I have a strong suspicion that if you happen to be reading this your views may not align with mine, but I can live with that. [url=]arsenal football[/url] Manchester United was established in 1878 as the Newton Heath Football Club, which served as the works team of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot. The club nearly went bankrupt in 1902 but was saved by J.H. Davies who subsequently re-named the team as Manchester United. During World War II, the Old Trafford Football Ground was severely bombed, leaving United without a stadium. They had to seek the assistance of their then more illustrious neighbours, Manchester City, and both teams shared Maine Road as their home stadium for some time. [url=]carrick[/url] Hopefully this article has given an informative insight into the history of the Manchester United Shirt, and should you be asked on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" for the colour scheme of the Newton Railways Club shirt, you won't need to phone a friend!
ResponderEliminarThis is yet another time Real Madrid has failed to advance to the quarterfinals; the team hasn’t made it since 2004. This year seemed to have incredible potential for Madrid, which was enjoying a winning streak and beginning to balance all the great new talent Coach Pellegrini purchased last summer. [url=]camiseta real madrid[/url] Just entering the second half, Raul Gonzalez collected a pass from Ronaldo to finish the play and set up the first goal of the match. Only two minutes after, Matteo Contini saw the red card and Zaragoza was left with 10 players. But far from collapse due to the expulsion, the Zaragoza player Adrian Colunga faced Iker Casillas and got the equalizer at minute 61. Despite this goal, the Whites kept attacking but it was not until minute 82 when Kaka, who came back from injury, picked up a deep pass from Ronaldo and put the final 2-1 for Real Madrid.
ResponderEliminarIn fact, after another three great opportunities for Raul to score, Madrid had its second goal of the game. The Brazilian Kaka pounced on a rebound from Raul’s shot – which goalkeeper Carlos Kameni had cleared at minute 29 – and added another point for his team. [url=]karim benzema[/url] The team gave a great performance on Tuesday, playing an offensive game and demonstrating why Barcelona and its players are considered the best in Europe. Barca opened the score only 20 minutes after the game began with the newly acquired Swede Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Ibra had another opportunity to score after a pass from Messi but the ball crashed against the post.
If you’re like me when you first saw the term “arbitrage sports betting” you just said, “huh?” You may even be reading this article because you were wondering. It is a relatively little method that can actually allow you to make money no matter who wins or loses. Kind of like heads I win, tails I win!
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Finally, to insure that you do indeed have the best betting odds that you can get, it is crucial as a bettor to shop the money line and the odds. Any reputable sports book online would offer the best line for your wagers without coercion. However, once you have found the best deal, it is important to verify and scrutinize the odds based on the past performance of the particular teams involved you can make appropriate judgments that can be indicative of the weaknesses and strengths of the respective sporting teams. You should also do research on the sports players, injury lists, and the teams if possible.
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Overall, the majority of people feel that the United States is missing the boat on this matter. Instead of simply regulating the industry like the rest of the countries in the world, they are trying to get rid of it altogether. This may have some benefits, but for the most part there is a chance that it could end up back firing. It will be interesting to see what the Senate decides to do in the upcoming months.
Another important subject I must briefly refer to is "catch-up" staking. If you find that you need to employ this tactic regularly, it means three things: (1) your Selection System sucks, (2) you haven't got a clue about what constitutes a proper Staking Plan, and (3) you have turned your chances of regularly and quickly losing your Base Bank to a 100% certainty!
1.) Some game sites post information about the number of players currently playing at a particular game of bingo. Accordingly, you have to plan the number of bingo cards in your online bingo game. More numbers of cards yield better results when the number of players is low. Your winning percentage is then higher.
ResponderEliminar[url=]play bingo[/url] play bingo If the second called number is say N36, probabilities of the next number not ending in 2 or 6 is more. The first six called numbers could have different digit endings. Thereafter, there could be pairing of one or more of such ending digits.
If you do not know anyone who uses the gaming sites or you want some additional reinforcement your first port of call should be an online bingo community. By reading reviews by other people who use the Bingo sites, you will be able to get a feel for the different sites that exist and make a more qualified decision about which one you would like to use. The knowledge concerning different sites and what other users consider important about them is an invaluable tool for the new online Bingo player. Whether it is for fun or for money, there needs to be an element of integrity within the site and a potential for the player to win the game. The knowledge of other users concerning specific sites will tell the new online Bingo player whether the site is for real or is just masquerading in order to harvest the players email addresses in order to bombard them with spam, or worse con them out of their hard earned cash. This can all be avoided with research and trying before you buy, as mentioned earlier the best places to scope out bingo sites is by using a review site or Bingo members forum.
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Your aim would be to cover the prescribed pattern with the bingo letters, by coordinating the letters and numbers called. The patterns can be anything like, u shape, t shape, etc, though it usually is horizontal or vertical. As soon as you get the pattern, you should shout bingo and you get the prize. In case there are others who shouted at the same time as you, the prize will be shared among all winners.
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How to make CD music label and DVD movie label?
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The relative complexities of women's and men's style
Both women and men can feel the pressures of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style frequently seems a lot less difficult. Of program, for both sexes, costumes and fashion choices can be equally as intricate, and there are lots of'cool'things that could quickly become fashion faux pas - who can say they often times see people walking on in 70s flares? On the other side, men's style includes a few staple goods that will exist forever - which man is likely to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick basic cuts, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why traditional men's style is amazing
The traditional man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous types for different events, nevertheless they are all common in their search for a smart, sharp search for the wearer. The best part about traditional style for men is that it is effortlessly trendy effortlessly neat. A well-groomed man can more often than not look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the design of such apparel. A match will undoubtedly be utilized to work in many professions due to the professional look it offers to the person, instilling a feeling of respect and confidence. Equally a suit will be worn to several social situations, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing versatility which allows matches to be used in virtually all occasions is what gives it its eternal side and a lasting place in men's fashion.
Modern developments in traditional men's style
Although classic men's styles can never be changed, it is interesting to note that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought particular basic garments back into fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specifically, has brought back a wide-variety of common types into men's closets, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress in a classic yet lavish way, placing value on appearance and acting in a polished method. This trend for almost'over-the-top'traditional style for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages dress in obviously Victorian-style attire and decide to try the roads on vintage bicycles - with most of the men sporting flawless mustaches! This really is just one of several examples of proof exhibiting the resurgence of such styles. There are also numerous blogs on line which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on classic men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, whilst specific facets of common men's style may be brought back as new developments, the fundamental garments that they are based on will never slip out of fashion.
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Not like classified marketing, the merchant does not shell out any upfront value to take part: Groupon collects individualized details from ready clients and then contacts only these customers, mostly by each day digital mail, who may possibly perhaps be interested in a particular solution or provider.
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Owing to Groupon's market receiving mostly composed of woman shoppers, the discounts are generally specific on the general health, bodily fitness and magnificence markets.
There are prospective problems with the company product. For circumstance in level, a efficient deal could rapidly swamp a modest company with as properly many customers, jeopardizing a opportunity that shoppers will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be enough answer to fulfill up with the wish. Gap, a substantial clothing retailer, was capable to get care of 445,000 discount codes in a countrywide provide (though it seasoned server troubles at a solitary phase), but a scaled-down organization could change into abruptly flooded with customers. 1 espresso keep in Portland, Oregon struggled with an boost in shoppers for three months, when it marketed shut to 1,000 Groupons on the 1 certain working day it was introduced, according to a solitary report. In reaction to equivalent troubles, Groupon officers position out that 'deal' subscriptions ought to be capped in advance to a reasonably priced amount.
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